Motivation is a funny thing. It comes in various forms. You just never know when exactly it will strike. Or more importantly, just when it will escape you.Last week I was back at uni for the first time since about november. 9 am starts 7 days a week and two assessments. I tell you, getting back into the swing of things is a struggle! I made it though, but only to collapse into 3hrs of sleep friday afternoon...oops!
Right now, however, I am sitting here writing this and listening to my newly purchased cd - Jason Mraz 'Waiting for my rocket to come' - instead of getting my assessment maybe i should work on this whole motivation thing before next week when uni officially starts for the year!
Last night at church I received some motivation of a different kind. Looking at Colossians we were challenged to reasess our goals, to live life dangerously, by the example of Paul. "We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. To this end I labor, struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me. (1:28-29)
Paul's bold goal is to present EVERYONE perfect in Christ. Are we aiming to do this? And do we honestly proclaim this great truth to EVERYONE, or to just those people like ourselves? Are we motivated by the fact that the mystery of the gospel and Heaven has been revealed through Christ?
Paul does all this knowing that it is only possible with the energy given to him by God. Talk about motivation - it is all God working in us! I think thats a pretty encouarging verse! Its a struggle but He gives us the strength we need!
There were times i got too stressed today. Unnecessarily. But I will take the advice of Jason Mraz and say "I wont worry my life away".
Instead I will trust Him who works in and through me. And I will look to gain motivation in all the right places.
I'll let you know how that one goes....
For now, its back to the essay...wish me luck!
I'll just leave you with a quote from one of my fav songs on the new cd - Tonight not again -
"Well if you should nervously break down
When its time for the shakedown would you take it
It's when you cry just a little
but you laugh in the middle that you've made it"
Jason Mraz
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