Sunday, January 29, 2006

A healthy dose of humility

It's not about you; its about God.

Telling 12-15yr olds from well off families this simple fact can be a challenge - but was one that was embraced this morning as TC started up again for the year. Looking at 'What to fix in 2006' included taking a healthy dose of humility - which I too swallowed hard.

Church tonight fitted quite nicely into the topic of recognising God as the majestic king over everything. From Psalm 103 we looked at the why and how of living a life of praise that our perfect King deserves.

The perfect King. Consistent and faithful. The source of all our blessings. A loving character. The perfect father. These are grounds for enduring grace. They are also grounds for a heart for the reconciliation of this relationship.
But you know what all this means? It means we need to respond!
We are talking about a king, who is real, who is sovereign, and who is definately worthy of all glory, honour, and power.
And this is a king worthy of lives of praise. We are called to reflect on earth the activity of Heaven.
But above all, our King is worthy of our fear and obedience. He is all powerful, dont forget. And we are to live on His terms. And if we do that, we are ultimately bringing praise to God.

So today I was given a great reminder and took a healthy dose of humility. In many ways its simple. Many of you would have heard it before, just as I had. But its how you respond thats important.

So what then does need to be done to fix 2006?
Its all about focus and priority.
I know where my focus needs to be.

Where is yours??

Read Psalm 103 and let me know your thoughts!

In Him, Chelsea

"For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him; for he knows how we are formed." 103:11-14


At 4:23 PM, Blogger JT said...

Sometimes as a reaction to the carismatic movement I over-remind myself that the good things are still to come and not to expect too many good things now.
But God still does give us heaps of good things, even here and now, from compassion and satisfying our desires with good things, to forgiving our sins. And that's what Psa 103 has reminded me.
I also love that father image in V13.

A healthy dose of praise has been refreshing, so thank you Father and thank you Chelsea!

At 4:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts JT! Really appreciate it!
I also love that image in verse 13 - so cool!


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