Saturday, May 13, 2006

Broken and Stitched

As I travel to and from uni I often find myself staring off into space consumed in thought. One thought which has entered my mind this week was how evident the sin in this world is in broken relationships.
I'm sure you have all experienced this in some way - whether it be with family, friends or that 'significant other'. The hurt that comes with such broken relationships is amazing and like none other. Possibly the worst sort of hurt you can experience (as even the death of a loved one is also in some sense a broken relationship)!
The significance of all this is its just what its like for us and God without Jesus! Due to our sin we have a broken relationship with God. It causes Him hurt! And what struck me even more is that the worst hurt i may feel doesnt even compare to what our Lord and Father would suffer when we choose to turn our backs on Him and follow our own way. The hurt He experiences is multiplied by every single person in this world. That is massive!
I dont know if my words are clearly expressing my thoughts here, but I guess my point is that broken relationships cause us pain. This is because they are just not meant to be that way. The sinfulness of our world therefore becomes so clear. And likewise, how that sinfulness hurts God.

As well as being consumed with all sorts of thoughts on my train trips, I am reading through 1 Samuel. There is just so much to learn in this book its amazing! But again, broken relationships are so evident. Familiy relationships are broken down and relationships between tribes and cities are destroyed to the extent they are at war. But the most significant is the broken relationship between man and God. Saul, who has been made king, ignores what God has instructed and follows his own plan of attack (
1 Samuel 15:11). God is grieved.
Grieved. He's not necessarily frustrated, a little sad, or angry - although these may be some part of what is felt - He is grieved!
Broken relationships are everywhere in our lives, but they are mere reflection of what effect our sin has on God and our relationship with Him.

Thankfully, not all relationships are like this - and there is hope! Aside from the hope that is offered in Jesus in His death, where our relationship with God is able to be restored to the way it should be (the ultimate hope, one which should cause us all to turn to God is praise and repentance), last night at church a Mother/Daughter dinner was held for the girls of TC and Senior High and their mothers - a night where they could bring them into the church, enjoy a meal together, hear some wisdom from the Bible....and hear some fashion tips from the wonderful
Bridge as well as get into some creative fun times together! It was a great night! Not only seeing everyone get into it all as they created singlet tops using an aray of brightly coloured buttons, ribbons and bows....but seeing them get into it together! I was official photographer for the evening, and as i walked around each of the tables, it was very encouraging to see the girls and their mums enjoy this time together and see the mother's teaching their daughters how to sew! A beautiful relationship!
And one which should be cherished if possible....which i guess is quite fitting considering its mother's day tomorrow!

Not all is broken. And thankfully, because of Jesus, the most important relationship can be stitched up - and stitched up in a way that a mother would sew a garment, not the way a child would sew a bow to a t-shirt - something solid that will last, something in which we can have faith!


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