Roaring Lambs - The Moving Image Mission Field
I am someone who will often relate what I am watching in films or on TV to God, and how this world sees and responds to Him. The beauty of God’s grace, His love or His creation; Or lives without God, lives that reject Him, and suffer. No matter what show or film you are watching at least one of these concepts can be seen – God is, after all, everywhere.
In my journey through the book Roaring Lambs by Bob Briner I have just finished the chapter on Movies and am now onto Television.
Briner speaks of the impact films have had on him and acknowledges that films continue to be influential in our lives, but in a very different way. He says that as a child he learnt a lot about good morals etc from the films he watched, but worries that his kids cannot get the same value from movies today. This worry exists because “there are now almost no lambs roaring in Hollywood and anything close to a Christian message or theme rarely appears on the screens.” (p.80) Overall, people have “abandoned the motion picture industry as a place of ministry and outreach”.
Of course the problem with this is that “when good departs, evil always fills in behind it.”
Interesting. And true.
He points out that in the mind of many filmmakers “secure religious faith is incompatible with depth of character” and probably also a quality and entertaining story. Personally, I want that to change. This chapter is of particular interest to me, who, as a film student, would love to contribute to these changes in some way.
We cannot blame filmmakers for their inaccurate portrayals nor can we simply sit back and criticise the material they have produced if we are not providing alternatives.
Its not like quality films or television with this content have never been produced. It is possible. As Briner points out, we just need people in the industry, and more specifically, we need people to write the material so it can be produced.
TVs at ACMI, Melbourne
He points out a very similar issue with Television. Again, writers are needed to produces quality stuff to replace, or at least provide alternatives to, the shows that are flooding our screens and dishonouring to God.
Briner lists a bunch of shows that have presented faithful Jewish chracters in American TV over the years. Its somewhat of an embarassment to read these knowing how few characters of Christian faith are out there on our weekly viewing. All it takes is someone to remain true to who they are and what they believe when writing a script or creating a character. Television can be used to bring a Christian message and perspective to people’s living rooms. We just need to realise this and make use of it.
I was personally challenged as someone interested in this field to knowingly work for and aim towards an industry that conveys the message of the Gospel to the world.
Taking this approach is of course much much harder than simply criticising the bad.
But with God, all things are possible.
And this fact is already evident.
While Briner speaks of an industry with so few Christians in it, there is evidence of some lambs already roaring, and its encouraging.
For example:
Grey’s Anatomy.
One of my favourite TV shows. In an episode set in the Christmas Holiday season questions of spirituality and God’s existence were brought forward. Its always interesting seeing how TV deals with these issues and questions – ones that in reality probably exist to a greater extent than the TV shows allow us to consider. But occasionally you find a gold moment, or if you’re lucky, a gold episode, don’t you.
In this episode of Grey’s is was this moment: the girl, who has been greatly hurt by the guy, comes to him offering to help him study for the test he must pass to continue practising medicine. When questioned why she would even consider helping him, she says “Because its what Jesus would do”. I don’t think this was an entirely serious comment, nor do I think her character is a Christian, but it was actually quite an unexpected response, and also very true. Good to see a reminder of God’s grace on TV, even if its for just a second.
The West Wing.
I have never really gotten into this show. Until recently. A friend informed me of his love for it, and thus I was curious to see what he loved so much. So, while in Melbourne, I had the chance to see a few episodes.
This is a show which has run for several seasons, watched by millions, and received many awards.
And in one of the episodes I managed to see, God was glorified. You see, the writers of this series had a faithful Christian character in this particular episode. He was a persecuted Christian from China, and met personally with the US president. The president himself asks the character “How did you become a Christian?” (!!) and other related questions about his faith and what he and his people do – to which the characters provides faithful answers, proclaims Jesus as Lord, and explains that he and the rest of the persecuted people he is representing will continue to serve the Lord and meet together to read the Word and pray.
I was pretty surprised by this. But incredibly encouraged!
What a great message being conveyed and in a show that reaches millions of people!
Now someone is definately a lamb roaring at the West Wing!
Like the efforts of people in these productions and the message Briner is giving in his book, we need to prayerfully target the movies and TV and make them a place in which God is honoured - see them as a mission filed and a vehicle for the gospel message.