Time flies when you're having fun...
or maybe just when you are extremely busy!?!
Tomorrow is June and I cannot believe it is already here! Where did the time go? I'd say it got lost somewhere in the chaos (good & bad) that has filled my life over the last few months!
But this monday actually turned out to be one of those days that just seems to work, where everything flows smoothly, life is enjoyed, tasks are accomplished, and at the end of the day you can say with confidence it was good! To be honest, that hasnt happened much lately, so the feeling was warmly welcomed!
Highlights from the weekend:- Youth Surge on friday night at CCSI - which was run splendidly and enjoyed by the majority of kids (and leaders)
- sitting in my pjs, sipping a cup of tea and catching up with my brother who was home for the weekend;
- a birthday celebration saturday night with a theme of the 60s (always fun!) where a few pics were taken too;
- a very enjoyable morning at TC (where we managed to get all the kids involved in a very cheesy but entertaining song to teach them the memory verse) and evening at church (where we finished the book of Ruth - such a great book! - and enjoyed the Lord's supper together).
After a somewhat busy but also sadly unproductive weekend, monday came - my day
off - along with good weather and a mission to fulfill!
For a presentation I am doing this week I needed to see a film that I could only access at Sydney Uni Library (I'm a UNSW student). I headed to Sydney, taking in the sights and sun at Victoria Park. Watching the film was somewhat an 'interesting' experience, but nonetheless, worthwhile. Post screening I managed to catch up with Craig (at a very cool place called Toby's Estate - I will definately have to return there - so many cool teas to buy!) (its such an awesome privilege to meet with fellow Chrisitans...even if he did put me off every studying Hebrew) and then proceeded to do a little window shopping in Newtown. After realising i could easily buy at least 15 books at Moore Books, I resisted temptation and proceeded to wander back to Central station, enjoying the sun, and the privilege doing one of the things i enjoy most - taking photos!
The day was then completed with a tastey mexican dinner for Carly's birthday, and topped off with an exciting phonecall (which i shall tell you about later in this post)
(I'm sorry that this is going to be yet again a long post - but thank you to those who push on til the end!)
Answers to Prayer
I have recently been reading a book called 'Roaring Lambs', which i have referred to in previous posts. Its by Bob Briner and basically about Christians in media/arts/entertainment industry. I'm only about 50 pages into it but it has already been both encouraging and challenging! It is pretty much an answer to prayer being lent this book and reading it as it has helped me make a pretty big decision. You may or may not know that I am majoring in both Film/Theatre AND Human Resource Management. Yes, an unusual combination. I have been struggling to decide whether i pursue a job in HRM (practical, easier to get, pays well) or in Film/Theatre (much harder to get but much more enjoyable). As of recently I have decided to pursue the latter.
What comes with such decisions is how I can best serve God in what I do and what ministry opportunities are available (both within the church and in work). While I am not yet decided whether I will be continuing to lead my girls for the next 3 years, this book has helped me to realise the importance of having Christians in the entertainment industry. It reinforces the instruction given to Christians to be a light and salt to the world (see previous post). In this industry - just as Christians in any secular job - I as a believer can not only share the gospel with those i meet, but also be salt - preserving the 'good' rather than letting 'evil' take over. It is of course important to remember that "Salt retards spoilage, it doesn't prevent it", as Briner points out, and therefore "our job is not so much to monitor evil as it is to provide alternatives to evil."
We can sit and complain about the amount of bad stuff on tv, in films, on the radio etc, that does nothing to bring glory to God, OR we can make the effort to create and provide things which will bring Him glory and further His kingdom. In working in this industry, i will not only (hopefully) get to do things i love, but also help contribute to alternatives that fulfill this purpose! I'm excited!
And this is where the exciting phone call comes in.
Last night I was asked to be a part of a film production. The making of a dvd for Colin Buchanan. I don't know all the details yet, but production will occur in June, and i'll get to work with props and sets - and a bunch of Christians! All I can say is praise God!
Its so easy to think this has all happened by chance, but really, its all by the wisdom of God who is sovereign over all!
So what DO you believe?!
"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house." Matt 5:14-15"Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone." Colossians 4:5-6
This photo was taken about 10 minutes ago of the evening's sunset. (click on it to view it bigger - its better that way!) It was an amazing sky! I don't know about you, but every time I look at the sky - the clouds, the colour, the speed with which it can change - i see God's power, and love expressed in creativity! An awesome reminder - just look up and you will gain perspective immediately!
Just as you see the sun glowing; shining incredibly brightly through gaps in the cloud, that is what we are called to be too - a light in a world of darkness.
We must make the most of every opportunity the Lord gives us to speak His word and proclaim His love to those we meet. I have been praying for such opportunities of late - afterall, lets face it, at the moment i spend most of my time with christians! The area of my life where i spend the least time amongst Christains however is uni. And so on the way to uni this morning this prayer was once again brought before the Lord.
The next bit is where it gets really exciting though....
Over the past 13 weeks me and my fellow class mates of my friday morning tutorial have gotten to know each other pretty well, and as i leave class this morning one of the girls offers me a lift to the train station. (Score!)
On the way I slip into conversation that i go to church...and she picks up on this and asks me a few questions! (Go God!)
"What sort of church do you go to?"
"So, what do you believe?"
She was brought up in a catholic church back in the philippines, but doesnt go to church now, so was interested in the difference between catholics and anglicans.
Sadly, the trip to the station from uni only takes about 10-15 mins, and this part of the convo only started up in about the last 7 minutes. (Bummer!)
But I hope and pray we can continue this conversation in the weeks we have remaining of semester! If you are the praying kind, please shoot up a little prayer for her, for opportunities, and for myself, as I speak to her!
Such a short conversation. But the Lord is powerful. He is in control. And He knows what He's doing. I am so thankful for all these things! And thankful that He lets us be apart of the privilege of sharing the gospel of Jesus! And thankful, of course, that it is ALL His work, and not me...treasures in jars of clay my friends!
The 'What If?'...
"doesnt that make you shiver the way things coulda gone?!" [Missy Higgins]
The famous 'What If?'
It sneeks into your mind or your vocabulary oh so quietly that you dont realise the damage til after its done. Those questions that one just cant help asking. "What if I hadn't done or said this?!" Or "What if I had done or said that instead?!" Would things now be better; would they be different?
On occassion these sorts of questions can be helpful, we can learn and move forward.
But seemingly more often than not the 'What If?' can actually be dangerous. It can lead to its evil accomplice, the 'dwell', which is never really helpful for anyone now is it?
All I can say is I can't let these two gain power - instead I think I'll take the advice of Matthew...and of Jason Mraz, when he says "I wont worry my life away"!
Meanwhile, this week I ask a less troubling what if - "what if I actually spent the time I wanted to on art and photography and just filled in the gaps with the uni work I have to get done?!"
Ok, you and I both know this is a bad idea, and ultimately not going to happen! But the thing is I have realised how much I miss getting to draw and take photos, to spend time creating and capturing. There is an art competition for which submissions must be completed by this friday, so there is no way I can get done what I would like to attempt to enter this exhibition - putting aside the fact that i may not actually be able to do what i want nor afford the materials, I have an assessment due this week which clearly takes priority! Thats ok, its all about patience right?! The holidays will come soon enough - just gotta make sure i
actually do these things when they come!
The exhibition is, however, about favourite movie moments! How cool is that?! Create an artwork based on your favourite movie moment! So my question to you is this: If you were to enter this competition what movie moment would you choose??
And while you're thinking...here's a pic i just took - I love those clear autumn days! A little crisp, but beautiful blue skies!
"Who's the talker?!" - Getting God back on the agenda!
When I was at primary school there was this PE teacher who would always yell out "Who's the talker?!" in this strong aussie accent when someone spoke out of turn in his classes. It always made me laugh!
Anyway I was reminded of this last night as I read an article about 'God talk'. It spoke about, as Christians, what kind of 'talkers' we should be.
Does your language change depending on whether you are speaking to a believer or non-believer?! If you are a Christian, then you should always be speaking (and thinking) from a Christian perspective, cos thats what you are!
Of course you have to be careful as to how much jargon you use with different people, especially as some non-believers can also use this language without knowing the true meaning:
"Our contemporaries continue to use these concepts even though they have lost touch with their Author: they speak of creation, even though they have lost touch with the Creator; the uphold the values of 'right' and 'wrong' even though they do not believe in absolutes; they cherish their individuality and personhood, even though they believe we are all only biological machines."
As Christians we need to ensure that what we hold dear is reflected in our everyday conversation. Because if we dont, there will be serious consequences - "the secular view becomes the accepted norm of society" simply because when we stop referring to God we not only remove him from everyday thoughts but "we imply that life can be understood quite well without him."
I dont know about you, but i dont want to give anyone that impression!
And if you are someone reading this post who doesnt yet know Jesus, I'm sorry if this seems irrelevant for you, but let me challenge you with one thing also - if you know someone or speak to someone whose conversation may be filled with 'God talk' then don't be affraid to ask them why!
We were reading this article as part of our study on Reason for Hope - a series inspired by the verse "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." 1 Peter 3:15b
It is a privilege that God wants to and does work through us in turning people to him. We are called to be a light and salt to this world. We must also of course remember that we fulfill this role only with the help of God. It is very much more his work than ours. We are but mere clay pots holding a treasure that comes only from Him.
Are you praying that you can be bold in this world - down to everyday conversation?!
"Who's the talker?" You are. Inject God back into conversation and on the agenda!
Meanwhile, a little update:
Listening: Garden State Soundtrack and Steve Morrison 'Silently'
Reading: Roaring Lambs by Bob Briner; The Remarkable Prayers of the Bible by Jim George; and Desiring God (Ok, so i really just want uni to be over and to have some time to read! hehe)
The new house: Its almost all sorted finally! Got new blinds yesterday - yay no more sheets as curtains... And this pic is out the back, where I think i shall go to now for some breckie and reading!
Broken and Stitched
As I travel to and from uni I often find myself staring off into space consumed in thought. One thought which has entered my mind this week was how evident the sin in this world is in broken relationships.
I'm sure you have all experienced this in some way - whether it be with family, friends or that 'significant other'. The hurt that comes with such broken relationships is amazing and like none other. Possibly the worst sort of hurt you can experience (as even the death of a loved one is also in some sense a broken relationship)!
The significance of all this is its just what its like for us and God without Jesus! Due to our sin we have a broken relationship with God. It causes Him hurt! And what struck me even more is that the worst hurt i may feel doesnt even compare to what our Lord and Father would suffer when we choose to turn our backs on Him and follow our own way. The hurt He experiences is multiplied by every single person in this world. That is massive!
I dont know if my words are clearly expressing my thoughts here, but I guess my point is that broken relationships cause us pain. This is because they are just not meant to be that way. The sinfulness of our world therefore becomes so clear. And likewise, how that sinfulness hurts God.
As well as being consumed with all sorts of thoughts on my train trips, I am reading through 1 Samuel. There is just so much to learn in this book its amazing! But again, broken relationships are so evident. Familiy relationships are broken down and relationships between tribes and cities are destroyed to the extent they are at war. But the most significant is the broken relationship between man and God. Saul, who has been made king, ignores what God has instructed and follows his own plan of attack (1 Samuel 15:11). God is grieved.
Grieved. He's not necessarily frustrated, a little sad, or angry - although these may be some part of what is felt - He is grieved!
Broken relationships are everywhere in our lives, but they are mere reflection of what effect our sin has on God and our relationship with Him.
Thankfully, not all relationships are like this - and there is hope! Aside from the hope that is offered in Jesus in His death, where our relationship with God is able to be restored to the way it should be (the ultimate hope, one which should cause us all to turn to God is praise and repentance), last night at church a Mother/Daughter dinner was held for the girls of TC and Senior High and their mothers - a night where they could bring them into the church, enjoy a meal together, hear some wisdom from the Bible....and hear some fashion tips from the wonderful Bridge as well as get into some creative fun times together! It was a great night! Not only seeing everyone get into it all as they created singlet tops using an aray of brightly coloured buttons, ribbons and bows....but seeing them get into it together! I was official photographer for the evening, and as i walked around each of the tables, it was very encouraging to see the girls and their mums enjoy this time together and see the mother's teaching their daughters how to sew! A beautiful relationship!
And one which should be cherished if possible....which i guess is quite fitting considering its mother's day tomorrow!

Not all is broken. And thankfully, because of Jesus, the most important relationship can be stitched up - and stitched up in a way that a mother would sew a garment, not the way a child would sew a bow to a t-shirt - something solid that will last, something in which we can have faith!
"At the very heart of the cinematographic act, there always comes a moment when the desire for the shot, whatever it is, has to take form in a concrete, terribly definitive, exclusive shot, where this desire, inevitably, both inscribes itself, and yet fails to materialize."
This was the opening paragraph to my film reading for this week. It suggests a level of uncertainty in taking the leap of capturing the shot, the desired shot, the uncertainty of whether it will be achieved as desired, whether it will be achieved at all, what form it will take.
Well, just as there is uncertainty in so many parts of the filmmaking process, there is uncertainty throughout almost all parts of life. I'm sure I dont need to tell you where and when it occurs, or how this uncertainty can make us feel. And one response - one we have all experienced - is fear. Fear that perhaps comes from a lack of knowledge - this uncertainty - of what exactly the future may hold, what the answers to our questions are, what the right or best response is to the decisions we need to make. I know this is something I struggle with, and i'm sure i'm not alone.
Of course its not always bad, dont get me wrong! All i'm saying is it seems to be a natural, inevitable part of life. In some cases it must be embraced, in others, faced with caution.
However, not ALL is uncertain. I am thankful that there is one absolute certainty in my life and that is expressed in this verse:
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." (Heb 13:8)
Much of what life holds is uncertain, so make sure you look to the one thing that can offer you absolute certainty, an absolute hope and comfort, because He was, is and will remain the same Lord!
What is your response when you face uncertainty in life? Well, tonight I read these words in the book "Remarkable Prayers of the Bible" by Jim George - i think it has a very good point - It is speaking about Nehemiah, a man of the Old Testament, who was faced with some bad news about his people...
"Now I ask you, what is your reaction when you hear tragic news? It's only natural to react in the same way Nehemiah did. A loved one has died, your heart is broken, so you cry and mourn. Some needless tragedy occurs, so you are distraught and perplexed. But do you take the next needed step? Do you do like Nehemiah did and start praying before the God of heaven? Do you immediately go to God to seek His will and to gain understanding of what He is allowing to happen in your life? Turning to God in prayer is the starting point for handling all of life if we want to figure out what is happening to us."
Is this not how we should respond to uncertainty?!
Faith Restored
Ever sit back and wonder why on earth you are doing what you are doing? I'm sure i'm not alone in having this reaction at uni on a number of occassions, especially during assessment time or in that least favourite subject. But this week I had my faith in my degree restored.
Monday afternoon saw me still sick yet at uni for a rehearsal for my theatre assessment which was to occur wednesday. I have to admit, our group wasnt the most organised. But it was fun playing around with the possibilities of the theatre!
Come wednesday - exhibition day - all groups were in the studio - our performance space - putting props in position, checking lights, and running through scripts. Yes, it was that pre-performance buzz. And it was good to have it back!
Our 'exhibition' seemed to go well, and any difficulty breathing came not from nerves but from the smoke filled room (oh gotta love those smoke machines!).
Of course post-performance a bump-out must occur - the process of de-rigging the lights, putting away props etc - and as I climbed to the top catwalk high above the performance space and played with lighting equipment I was reminded of my love for theatre! yay! Definately a good sign seeing as it is one of my majors! And definately a helpful reminder as I consider what job path to pursue as my degree comes to an end!
The Human Pyramid
Film class thursday - a documentary called The Human Pyramid. The filmmaker, Rouche, called it an 'experiment', as he worked with black and white teenagers living in Africa to witness how a friendship between two races may play out. Of course, throw a bunch of teenagers together for filming and there is bound to be more than just work going on. A documentary on racism also becoming a social experiment about desire - flirting seemed to become their priority. What was different about this documentary was that Rouche got these people to play 'characters'. "I will need some of you to be racists". People playing roles. Were they acting all the time? Are they just responding in the way they think they should respond in that situation, or is that how they would act in 'reality'? What effect does the camera have on their actions and behaviour? A documentary if people are playing roles? Well, I guess it depends how you define documentary. Real people, real life issues. It was an interesting concept! And a film definately worth seeing - sadly though, our cinemas continue to show mainstream movies and projects like this one get pushed to the back of library shelves...
Friday Night Bible Study
It was back into B/S with my girls on friday night, and I have to say it was a very encouraging night! Not only great to be back and see the girls, to chat and catch up, but awesome seeing them getting into the Word, asking questions and wanting to learn, as we looked at Hannah and her prayer life from 1 Samuel! Praise God i say, a good night and a good group of kids! This is what its all about and im loving it!
Saturday R&R 
Saturday was not only blessed with very good weather, but good times and good company. We defiantely live in a great city!
A trip to the MCA for the 'Crying Men' exhibition - photographs by Sam Taylor-Wood of famous male actors crying. These people are actors, but is this emotion real? Some seemed a little staged, but others were defiantely powerful! Some captured in what seemed to be post crying, while others were in obvious sadness! There was a lot of emotion in these shots!
A picnic at the Botanic Gardens - lying in the sun, chillin, chatting, eating, and enjoying the beautiful view! Doesnt get much better than this!
But it was followed by some tastey Thai for dinner and a viewing of Final Destination III (hm one word - death!). But cheers to Rhys and Rin - good times guys, thanks!
Sin City and Sick Chelsea
Sin City
I finally saw this film last night.
It’s a violent film. I’ve seen a number of violent films in my time, but this one has definitely got to be amongst the most disturbing. There were some flinch and turn away and hide under the blanket cos that’s just too disturbing moments. But there were also some more amusing moments that were just so distinctly Tarantino, complete with fountains of blood spurting from limbs! Yes, I think its quite fair to say that people who enjoy coming up with these story lines must be somewhat disturbed themselves.
But having said all that, and amongst the number of clichés that appear, there are still some quite beautiful moments in this film! And they come with the use of colour.
For those who don’t know, this film is based on a comic book. It has, in my opinion, been very cleverly made in a way that remains true to the comic book style. And one clever technique which would suggest this is the use of colour. It is mostly a black and white film. But the filmmakers have carefully chosen certain things to be coloured throughout the film – whether it be a character’s red dress, green eyes, or yellow blood – this I believe was quite clever. It is almost enchanting really. What makes them choose to colour that particular object? And why stick to such a strict palette? Why choose to colour one particular car red in one particular scene?
In some instances this subtle addition makes for a rather beautiful image!
So, a disturbing film on many accounts, yes, but also a clever and well made film, and one which needs to be appreciated for the artistry involved!
If you have seen it, please let us know your thoughts!
Meanwhile, you've gotten this far, I congratulate you and ask that you dont give up just yet... I have been pretty sick this last week. It hasn’t been much fun. But it definitely could be worse and I have been reminded of a number of things to be very thankful for! I have also taken a lot of comfort from the following verses, so thought I’d share them with you:
“Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.” Psalm 62:5-8
Do you not know? Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 40:28-31