As mentioned in earlier posts, I am currently reading "Through Gates of Splendor".
Recounting how these missionaries came to be missionaries, their struggles, and their passion for the Gospel, this book is inspiring.
While the struggles faced by these men in the jungle are somewhat different to those faced by Christians in Sydney, it is encouraging to read of the struggles we have in common.
The desire these guys had to share the gospel is so clear in their words left on the pages of their diaries 50 years ago, wanting to reach every hidden and feared tribe they could.
Anyway, my words here will not do justice to this story, so, while I think you should read it, in the meantime I just wanted to share a few more quotes from the book which I found encouraging and which also challenged me to show the same faith in my own life!
"Ever since I accepted Christ as my personal Saviour last fall and wanted to collow Him and do the will of the Lord, I've felt the call to either missionary, social, or ministerial work...Can't say now what the calling will be but I want to be a witness for Him & live folllowing Him every second of my life." (p.67)
"When life's flight is over, and we unload our cargo at the other end, the fellow who got rid of unnecessary weight will have the most valuable cargo to present to the Lord." (p.52) (Nate Saint, the pilot of the team)
These men expressed a "sense of urgency in the task of winning souls."
I am about to go to CMS Summer School on saturday where I will be leading a bunch of K-2 kids as well as hearing talks and missionary spots myself - I am looking forward to this opportunity to serve and to be fed well from God's word. Last year was very inspiring and I hope and pray this year will be the same - encouraging being with a group of Christians and learning together, but also incredibly challenging in terms of thinking about how I am serving God with my life.
The kids I will be leading are about 4yrs to 6yrs old. Young, yes. But never too young to learn about Jesus.
I hope and pray I can take to heart the same urgency Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, and the others felt - not just at summer school, but everywhere!
Meanwhile, we'd really appreciate your prayers for summer school if you get the chance!
Here are some things you can pray for:
That the guys giving the talks (Pete + Kenno) will faithfully teach God's word
That the kids will have hearts prepared to hear God's word
That we would actively show God's love to the kids
that God will be working in everyone at summer school so they can know, serve + love Him more
For the kids parents who will be hearing talks while the kids are with us
For unified team under Jesus
For energy, health, and safety
For all of summer school - speakers, missionaries, teams, kids, parents...
Your prayers are much appreciated!
Happy New Year to you all!!
In HIm,
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