Friday, October 21, 2005


“...Something’s different in the world today...”

As I turn 20 today I can’t help but wonder, what will my 20s hold?!

Will I make the most of them?
And on that note, what does it mean to make the most of them?

A friend, much wiser than me, posted a comment last week that hit home hard:

“God has a plan. God has His ways and they infinitely greater than ours - requiring a fair deal of shaping and changing along the way.Is that what our 20's are all about? Some are shaped to commit themselves to changing their world and the world of others through the work of God within them. While some use their 20's to embrace compromise and find passion through the joy of having none.”
(Thanks Craig)

I can only hope that mine will be years that are shaped by the work of God within. What that means exactly and where that will lead me is unknown by all except the Lord.

As I think of the words from In My Father’s Den “Who you set out to be is not always who you become” I can only take comfort in that knowledge that God has for us a will and a plan. A life he wants us to live. A path he wants us to take. And not just wants, but knows is the absolute best for us.

And so, as I turn 20 today I hope and pray that today and each that follows I can trust in this. I know He will not hand it to me on a platter. This life was not meant to be easy. I do know however that I want my next 20 years – and God willing, those after – to be ones that are trusted to Him and follow His directions on His road map.

Happy Birthday to me!


At 9:31 AM, Blogger Craig Tubman said...

Happy Birthday!!!

the 20's have begun...ofcourse that means the next time you hit a new decade you'll be 30!! ha ha.

Don't work too hard today....I'd say sit back, kick up the feet and watch a movie with a nice cup a jo. It's the kinda weather for it.


At 7:57 PM, Blogger Derum Studio said...

Amen Chels!
Happy Birthday my dear.
I wish you all the best always!
Melissimo xox


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