Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Reality vs. Reality TV

For those who don't know, this thursday-Sunday Christ Church St Ives is running a mission for the youth of St Ives, called The Search.
There are two sections - TC (years7-9)and Senior High (10-12). We'll be running all sorts of crazy activities as well as chilling out with the kids and of course, preaching the gospel. And the theme for the TC section is 'Reality vs. Reality TV'.
Oh, its going to be fun!!

As I see it, there are three main aims of the Search:
- To bring Glory to God; by
- telling the kids about Jesus and showing them His love
- To grow our youth groups with the new kids that come along to the mission

Why am I telling you this?
Well, I personally think its always encouraging hearing what other churches are doing
But mostly because I know I and the rest of the team would really appreciate your prayer if you get the chance!

Points to pray for:
- the kids of our youth group will bring their friends
- the kids (and leaders) will be welcoming to the new kids
- the gospel will be preached faithfully and clearly
- hearts will be changed
- kids that come along will want to keep coming to TC or Senior High
- for the team - that we can be loving and serving to each other and the kids - and that all the activities will run smoothly

Thank you! I will let you know how it goes!


At 12:59 PM, Blogger Justin said...

Love it. PRaying for it. Will def miss it.

At 9:16 PM, Blogger Ray said...

The Reality vs Reality TV section sounds interesting, and very relevant to that group I'd think.
Hope it goes well.

At 6:56 PM, Blogger Naomi said...

Hey Chelsea,
Hope today went well!! What are the talks actually going to be on under the major theme "Reality vs Reality TV"?? Sounds good though.

At 4:14 PM, Blogger SamR said...

That sounds great! We are running a similar event on CIM mission to Bathurst at our mission at the end of the year. Do let us know how it goes.

At 10:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers!!

Hey Naomi!
The Reality vs. Reality TV is for both the talks and the activities.

So we've had some outdoor games like survivor, amazing race, and friday night games; inside games like extreme makeoever and the biggest gainer (eating competition);

So, teh talks so far have been basically 'Who is God?' with the theme of Big Brother - is He 'something' that is just supervising and watching over us?

And 'Was Jesus the Biggest Liar?' (as opposed to biggest Loser) - ASking questions like - Why is Jesus the most famous person in the world?! He's either Lord or the biggest most successful liar ever.
Both great things to get the kids thinking!

I'll fill you in on the others once they;re done!

And so far, it has been good times!
We are half way through, so keep praying and i'll give you more feedback after its all over!

p.s. God is amazing! Its so exciting to be apart of His work!

At 10:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam, I have heard about the Bathurst mission - sounds exciting!


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